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Hello Autumn Fall Placemats Using Cricut Iron On

Hello Autumn Fall Placemats Using Cricut Iron On

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As we enter the season of changing leaves and cool breezes, it's the perfect time to add some fall charm to your decor. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the steps of making your very own Hello Autumn Fall placemats using Cricut Iron On. This amazing material lets you customize and personalize your creations with ease. So, let's dive in together and create some cozy and inviting placemats that will make your dining table look absolutely stunning this Thanksgiving!


Cricut Iron-On Sampler, Skin Tone Multi


Create your cut pattern in Cricut Design Space. I am using the designs below included with Cricut Access. Adapt these designs to your own placemat or go directly to this project in Design Space.

  • Flower #M85582F7
  • Flower #M8558351
  • Flower #M85582EA
  • Flower #M85582BC
  • Flower #M260D44BA
  • Flower #M3270D74A
  • Leaf #M40CD6
  • Leaf #MA3F19
  • Leaf #M3D5C0DBF
  • Hello Autumn #M3DF76EA6

cut design

Make the project, taking care to mirror the design before cutting and load the iron-on material shiny side down on a blue LightGrip cutting mat. Use a weeder tool to remove the excess vinyl from the cut designs.

weed design

Organize your design pieces on top of your placemat. When you are happy with the arrangement, adhere the iron-on to the mat using an EasyPress heat press machine or a household iron. Use Cricut's Heat Guide to help you determine the temperature and time for pressing. A temperature of 280 degrees for 30 seconds worked well for my material, but your base fabric may be different.

cricut heat guide

Press firmly on top of an EasyPress mat, taking care to protect any parts of the design already adhered. Do not press directly on any iron-on material that is no longer covered by its carrier sheet. I like to use parchment or deli paper for this purpose, changing the paper often while pressing. This helps me to avoid transferring any adhesive that leaks out from the sides of adhered vinyl from one place on my project to another.


Looks great, don't you think? I love how these turned out! The colors in the Multi Skin Tone Iron-on Sampler roll work really well for a modern autumn project.


In fact, I liked this design so much that also used it for a door wreath! This time, I cut the designs from Cricut's Faux Suede Rustic Sampler.

Cricut Faux Suede Sampler Rustic 

Then I used some simple embroidery stitching to attach the cut designs to a piece of quilted fabric. Of course if you're not a stitcher, you could always use some fabric adhesive to adhere the faux suede to the backing fabric. The wreath is finished simply with a wood hoop frame. 


wreath close up

My Favorite Color is Fall

my favorite color is fall

Get some more fall palette inspiration in our post 10 Autumn Color Palettes for Fall! Taking our cue from autumn photography, we assembled ten different color palettes using Cricut colors.  From funky to traditional and more, there's a Cricut color combo just right for you. And don't forget to download our free SVG - My Favorite Color is Fall - to use for your own fall projects. Happy autumn crafting!

Tangerine + Orange + Dark Red

fall color palette

Maize + Sun Tan + Blue Green

fall color palette

Yellow + Parchment + Blue

fall color palette 

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