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12 Exclusive Craft-e-Corner Vinyl Designs for Your Die Cutting Machine

12 Exclusive Craft-e-Corner Vinyl Designs for Your Die Cutting Machine

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Vinyl is an awesome material, it’s so versatile you can use it on so many different surfaces.  Pair vinyl with an electronic die cutting machine like the Cricut, add in a little knowledge, and you can transform or personalize just about anything!

I love working with vinyl and I have learned a lot of tips and tricks along the way. From different application methods and trouble shooting, to inventive ways to use vinyl.  To show you just how versatile vinyl can be, I created 12 exclusive vinyl designs that you’ll only find right here at Craft-e-Corner.


I’ve worked in flexibility into each of my designs and have made projects with full directions to teach you all about vinyl.  Click below to see all the project inspiration and learn more about each project!

Let’s check out the designs!   You can click on the link or the photo to go to the project and get full project details.  >>CLICK HERE TO BUY ALL 12 VINYL DESIGNS<<

Design #1: Pineapple

pineapple welcome sign

The pineapple has long been a sign of hospitality.  In this post, I’ll show you how I used this design to make this trendy pineapple welcome sign using the HINGE METHOD OF VINYL APPLICATION.  This method helps transfer large designs to a project surface, just like this custom welcome sign.

Design #2: Candy Corn

trick or treat(1)

Trick or Treat!  In this post, I walk you through how I made a double sided trick or treat sign using my candy corn design.  This post goes into depth with HOW TO LAYER A VINYL DESIGN.  Do you know what alignment boxes are?  After working through this project, you’ll be layering vinyl like a pro!


Design #3: Dahlias

not just a hobby

Layering vinyl can be a tricky, so this post will walk you through even more tips about layering vinyl designs.  This dahlia flower design is great for filling in blank space and adding in some fun color.  In this post, I show you HOW TO APPLY A VINYL TO A TEXTURED WALL.  I used a “secret weapon” to help the vinyl adhere to the wall, click to find out what it was!


Design #4: Cupcake

stand mixer top down

Vinyl is an easy and inexpensive way to update just about anything.  My stand mixer is over 10 years old, but doesn’t she look pretty now?  Add a bit of vinyl and you have a whole new home decor item!  Personalizing your KitchenAid is easy and I think this cupcake design is just too sweet.  Check out this post for some fun ideas using this versatile design!  I don’t know about you, but I’ve never met a cupcake I didn’t like.

Design #5: Dream Catcher #1


Dream catchers help assure sweet dreams and are popular as decor in children’s rooms.  This file is delicate and makes a great personalized wall hanging for any child!  In this post, I use the VINYL AS A STENCIL in two ways and I share tips for APPLYING VINYL TO CANVAS.  

Design #5: Dream Catcher #2


In this bonus project, I use the positive of the dream catcher vinyl design to create a second project. I cut the design just once and was able to use both the negative and the positive of the design to create two separate projects!  Using these tips, I can help you REDUCE WASTING YOUR VINYL SUPPLY!

Design #6: Dandelion

dandelion bumper decal

Did you know you can MAKE YOUR OWN CUSTOM DIY CAR DECAL with vinyl?  It’s true!  And it’s dead easy!  I use this dandelion design to add a custom car decal design to my car, and I’ll show you how you can make your own custom bumper stickers too.

Design #7: Pink Flamingo

pink flamingo tray

I admit, I have a thing for pink flamingos.  Especially the gaudy plastic yard flamingos.  In this post, I’ll show you how I used VINYL AS A STENCIL FOR PAINT and created this memory tray.  The signature in the corner is Grandmother’s, I’ll show you how to PERSONALIZE YOUR HOME DECOR with a loved ones handwriting too!

Design #8: Birds on a branch

window art

In this post, I add my birds on a branch design to a window using the WET METHOD OF APPLICATION.  Applying vinyl using this method will help AVOID GETTING BUBBLES IN THE VINYL and it helps when transferring a large design like this one.  Using this method of application is a real win/win and you can’t go wrong with this versatile bird design either!


Design #9: Peacock Feather

peacock pot

Are you up for a challenge?  This peacock feather will give you great practice on WEEDING INTRICATE VINYL DESIGNS!  It’s like weeding boot camp!  Once you master this design, you’ll be weeding in your sleep.  Did you know the Silhouette Cameo could cut such fine detail?  Check out this post for one of my most favorite weeding tips of all  time.

Design #10: Reindeer

cookies for santa plate

Rudolph got a little caught up in the lights on this project.  Check out this post for some tips on how to MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR VINYL SCRAPS!  This project is a GREAT scrap buster and you can layer it all without transfer paper.  Get in the spirit of Christmas and make this personalized cookies for Santa plate along with me!

Design #11: Split Kitchen Utensils

kithen utensil design cutting board

Vinyl shouldn’t go on any surface food touches, but with this glass cutting board, you’re covered!  This vinyl design features split kitchen utensils you can use to PERSONALIZE A LAST MINUTE GIFT for your favorite chef!  Learn about VINYL SAFETY and tricks on transferring designs straight. 

Design #12: Outlet Personalities


If there’s one thing we have here at Craft-e-Corner, it’s sense of humor!  With my outlet personalities design, you can show yours off too!  Sized to fit a standard US electrical outlet, a few scraps of vinyl can bring a smile to anyone’s face.  Don’t feel comfortable using them on outlets?  No worries, I have you covered with other uses too.

If you’re brand new to vinyl, or new to Cricut, you might want to check out  VINYL 101: The Very Basics of How to Vinyl.  To get even more information on vinyl, consider getting our book all about vinyl, “Help for DIY Vinyl Projects: Inspiration and Education for using Vinyl or our full book about using the Cricut, “Cricut Getting Started Guide.”

Legal disclaimer: You may use these files for projects and items that you make and sell, but you may not sell, nor reproduce, the file or use the file/design as a portion of any file you create for sale. The files are copy written to Craft-e-Corner exclusively, and were created by Kala Peterson.  All images of examples are also copy written and may not be reproduced or used for any purpose.



Of course, if you have any questions, I am here to help!  I’d love to see what you’ve made with these files too.  Tag your photos so and share your creativity, add #CEC12Designs to your photos on social media!


Join the Craft-e-Corner Cricut Community on Facebook for more inspiration and tips!

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