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Trash To Treasure Burnt Out Light Bulb Project

Trash To Treasure Burnt Out Light Bulb Project

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This past weekend our designer Kala took the challenge of making trash into treasure! She wanted to re-craft (recycle and crafting together!) a few burnt out light bulbs and this is what she came up with…
 I hate using this term, but seriously! Kala sis a FABULOUS job of re-crafting these ‘trash’ light bulbs into some super awesome ornaments!
A little paint, some fun fabric, wire,  wire wind it tool, hot glue and a whole lot of imagination is all it takes to make these beautiful ornaments!



Yes, that is a real glass light bulb under there! Can you believe how cool these turned out! This nutcracker would be a great addition to anyone’s tree!
At first glance you wouldn’t even know this was a light bulb, but take a closer look…
Kala created a simple and fun wire swirl using the Purple Cow Craft Geek Wire Wind It Tool and glued it to the light bulb base as a hanger.
I love the idea of making wire hangers. Most ornaments come with a string hanger and by personal experience, they tend to fall off more easily than some soft of hanger or clip. A perfect swirled solution!
 Here is the second light bulb ornament- a perfectly adorable penguin! I hope your brains are stirring with ideas and possibilities of fun ornaments YOU can make with light bulbs.
Lastly, Kala made a super cute Santa using a shaggy white fabric that she says is, and i quote, “very forgivable.” This means that the seams are easily hidden by the fuzzy white shag!
The owner of Craft-e-Corner, Dean, would call this a ‘Fluffy Schneider” ornament. This is a lovely term he has created for over embellished or very dramatic fluff on things. You may pass this word on if you’d like! Who knows, maybe he will create the next new trendy word. (???)
Here are all three of Kalas SUPER FABULOUS trash to treasure ornaments!
We challenge you to re-craft and make beautiful project from trash to treasure. If you have a fun recycling project to share please don’t hesitate to share & post it on our Facebook page here.
What do you think?
Which one is your favorite??

Trash To Treasure Burnt Out Light Bulb Project

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